Microsoft has announced end of support for some product versions. Namely it is support for SQL Server 2008/2008 R2, which ends on 9th July 2019. Subsequently on 14th January 2020, support will be terminated for Windows Server 2008/2008 R2. It [click to continue…]
We added another interesting solution to our portfolio. It is the Power BI application, which enables to connect to various company data sources and create business analyses above them. Power BI is not a self-standing application as we know it. [click to continue…]
Wishing you many wonderful Christmas moments and a tranquil start to 2018 Viele schöne Momente in angenehmer Weihnachtsatmosphäre und einen geruhsamen Rutsch ins Jahr 2018 wünschen Ihnen Mnoho krásných chvil v příjemné atmosféře Vánoc a klidné vkročení do roku 2018 Vám přeje [click to continue…]
Whether you see GDPR as something to be afraid of or as an opportunity, it has become a reality. Given the number of facts and myths that have been said, written and taught about GDPR, it is more and more [click to continue…]
An interesting infrastructure solution comparison has been recently released by Microsoft. There are two solutions: the first one – purchase – is a traditional one. The second solution is to rent Microsoft Azure using cloud services. For example, when purchasing [click to continue…]