Implementace informačních systémů a aplikací, ERP, CRM, řešení pro utilitní společnosti a sklady.
Every successful company grows, changes and upgrades its process. And when you upgrade your processes you must upgrade your information system. This doesn´t necessarily mean an implementation. In many cases a difference analysis and change of the system functions is enough.
We can cover all of our customers´ needs. / We can cover all of your needs.
Service however doesn´t mean just new functions and application development. Service also means regular maintenance, precaution and keeping up with new technologies. A good timing of a professional service can save your time and money. It can prevent and eliminate future limitations.
Our customers are charged only for the work that has been done. They can use our helpdesk system that offers clear communication and effective execution of their requirements.
Implementation isn´t the only thing we can offer. – We can also maintain an application that wasn´t developed by us.
Vytvořil: Visible Business